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BSc Horticulture first semester Hindi & English notes

A.HSOIL 5111( fundamental  of soil science) 1. Soil science Hindi book pdf download   B.HPB 5111( principle of genetics) 1. History of genetics 2. Physical basis of heredity 3. Cell cycle in Hindi , Mitosis in Hindi  , Miosis in Hindi 4 Gametogenesis in Hindi ,, Syngamy in plants Hindi 5. Mendel's law in Hindi 6. Vi topic part 1 , Vi topic part 2 7. Chromosomal theory of inheritance part 1 , Chromosomal theory of inheritance part 2 , Gene interaction part 1 , , modification of monohybrid and dihybrid ratio , Multiple alleles in Hindi , Quantitative inheritance in Hindi , Linkage in Hindi , Crossing over in Hindi , Sex linkage inheritance in Hindi , Last four topics in Hindi Introductory microbiology Hindi book download here English book download Introductive crop physiology Hindi book download English book download here ,  Cell biology Fundamental of horticulture Hindi book download here English book download here Principal of landscape architecture Hindi book downlo...

5th sem Bsc ag hindi book and notes

5th semester notes Bsc agriculture:- Syllabus download here 1.AENT 5312 ( pest of crops and stored grain and their management) A. Hindi book download B. English book pdf 2.APATHO 5311 Patho hindi boo k B.  English book pdf download  here C.  Disease identification 3.AMET5311 introductive agricultural meteorology and climatology A.   NOTES B.  Short notes C.  Solar radition D.  ENGLISH BOOK PDF E.  Hindi book pdf 4.AHFL 5311 principle of landscaping and architecture A.  Hindi notes B.  Notes 2 C.  Notes e D.  English book pdf 5.APB 5312 intellecutal property rights A.  Hindi book pdf B.  English book pdf 6.AENG 5311 geoinformatics and nanotechnology 1. Hindi book pdf 2. English book 7.AEXT 5311 entrepreneurship development and business management 1. Hindi book 2. Hindi book pdf 3. English book 8.AENT 5311 principle of integrated disease and pest management A.  Hindi notes B.  Hindi notes 2 C....

fifth semester BSC Horticulture notes

Fifth semester Hindi notes BSc horticulture Fifth semester Horticulture syllabus Download here 1.HEXT 5311 ( entrepreneurship development and business management) A. Hindi book pdf B. HEXT 5311 Hindi book pdf C. HEXT 5311 English book pdf download 2. HMET 5311( materiology and climate change) A. handwritten notes download B. Introductive meterology handwritten C. English book PDF download D. Metrology Hindi notes E. Solar radiation Hindi note 3. HAGRO 5312( introduction to major field crop) A. Major field crop Hindi book pdf B. Major field crop English book pdf download C Distribution of crops in India Hi ndi 4. Organic farming A.  Organic farming Hindi notes part 1 B.  Organic farming Hindi book part 2 C.  Organic farming Hindi notes part 3 D.  Hindi notes part 4 E.  English book pdf 5. Precision farming and protected cultivation A.  Protected cultivation book pdf B.  Precision farming PDF 6. Breeding of vegetable tu...

Bsc agriculture 1st semester Hindi notes

First semester Bsc agriculture notes THIS WEBSITE IS DEVELOPED  BY COB DUGLER(YASHDEEP VERMA) First semester syllabus download 2020-21 se exam pattern change ho chuka hai, isliye old question paper se taiyari na Karen 1.ASOIL 5111 fundamental of soil science A.  soil sciencehindi  book2 pdf download B. Soil science Hindi book pdf C. Soil science handwritten Hindi notes D.  English book 2. AECO 5111 fundamental of Agricultural economics A. Fundamental of Agricultural economics Hindi book B.hindi  book pdf download 2 C.  English book 3.AENT  5111 fundamental of entomology A. English book download B. Fundamental of entomology Hindi book download 4. Fundamental of horticulture HORT5111 A. Fundamental of horticulture Hindi book pdf download B. Fundamental of horticulture English book pdf download 5.AGRO 5111 fundamental of agronomy A. Fundamental of agronomy Hindi book download B. Agronomy English book pdf 6.AEXT 5111 rural sociology and...

BSc Horticulture 3rd semester Hindi notes

THIS WEBSITE  IS DEVELOPED BY COB DUGLER 3rd semester BSC Horticulture SYLLABUS Download 1.HSTAT 5211 agri Informatics A. Computer agri Informatics Hindi book B.  Computer application Hindi book 2.HAGRO 5211 WEED MANAGEMENT A. Weed MANAGEMENT hindi book B. Weed management handwritten notes C. Weed management English book pdf 3.HFOR 5211 Agroforestry A. Agroforestry hindi book B. Forest trees cultivation practices 4.HFL  5211 commercial floriculture A. Commercial floriculture Hindi book 5.HENT 5211 fundamentals of entomology 1. Entomology notes Hindi part 1 2. Entomology Hindi notes part 2 3. Classification of class insecta 4. Fundamentals of entomology the English book pdf 5. Entomology fundamental Hindi book 6.HVG 5211 temperate vegetables 1. Temperate vegetable Hindi book pdf 2. Temperate vegetable English book pdf 7.HFR 5212 temperate fruit A. Temperate fruit Hindi PDF B. Temperate fruit English PDF 8. AHFR 5211 plant propagati...

3rd semester all subject notes Bsc agriculture

                THIS WEBSITE IS DEVELOPED BY COB DUGLER  3rd sem bsc agricultural Whatsaapp group             1. 3rd semester full SYLLABUS   Download  2. 3rd semester 2017-18 question paper 3. 2018-19 third semester question paper Subject  notes A.AGRO 5221( kharif crop) 1. Kharif crop English book pdf 2. Kharif crops short notes 3. Bkci kharif crop pdf 4. Kharif crop hindi book pdf 5. Kharif crop doctor KL Nandeha Hindi book 2.AHVG 5211 vegetable production A. Vegetable production handwritten notes B. Vegetable production English book C. Vegetable production Hindi book D. Vegetable production chart 3.AGRO 5212 (WEED MANAGEMENT) A. Weed MANAGEMENT Hindi book pdf B. Weed management English book pdf C. WEED MANAGEMENT handwritten notes 4.AVET 5211 livestock production A. English book of animal husbandry B.  Animal husbandry Hindibook C Pashupalan Hi...